this weekend:
went househunting (again). found dreamhouse. currently taking part in financial shenanigans in order to prove i can afford it.
figured out a pretty solid career path, although loans will be hefty, and so will payback.
went to angel's share, then alphabet city party, got trashed, launched flaming napkins/bottles from roof
dealt with serious consequences resulting from said alcoholic adventures, including taking care of my best friend, potential alcohol poisoning, recovering from horrific hangover, cleaning up the mess i made in the car after dropping pizza everywhere, LAUNDRY, etc etc etc.
bought WOMEN IN LOVE by Lawrence and a book about Buddhism, which I'm currently gorging on, as well as The Brothers Karamazov. Them Russians sure love big words...
spent approx $500 shopping.
went on a date with my girl, cara, in hopes of expediting the painful recovery process.
and dearly missed my good friends, all of whom seem to live outside the city. i need new friends. :-(
boots: Frye
jeans: ksubi
tank: trifil
zipped apart jacket: maison martin margiela
jeans: rich and skinny
converse: which came to an unfortunate end on sunday morning
tank top: random
new old pimp watch: gruen
any fun weekends out there?